Arm Lift Surgery
What is Arm Lift Surgery?
Arm Lift Surgery removes undesirable subcutaneous fat and drooping skin in the arm area, to restore tightness.
Why Does Arm Skin Sag?
Sagging arm skin is choreographed by age, genetic predisposition, weight fluctuations, sun's embrace, and gravity's gentle pull. In the back and inside of the arm, where loose skin and subcutaneous tissue find their haven, the main causes unfold — a duet of fat buildup and skin drooping dual desires.
Performing Arm Lift Surgery
The surgeon, executes a delicate performance, removing excess skin through incisions in the armpit or inside the elbow. Excess fat accompanies, it exits through liposuction or strategic incisions.
Arm lift operations span one to three hours, the duration depending on the method used and amount of fat to be removed.
The procedure takes place with local anesthetic usually in a hospital of specialist clinic.
Post-surgery, a compression garment orchestrates control over swelling, while a temporary drainage tube may be needed to drain excess fluid or blood.
Post-operative care instructions guide the recovery, with warnings, medications, and timelines.