Hair Transplantation
Restoring Confidence: Exploring Hair Transplantation
A hair transplant is a surgical procedure designed to address areas of thinning or missing hair by relocating existing hair.
This transformative surgery is a viable option for individuals grappling with permanent baldness, particularly the hereditary form.
The Procedure
The hair transplant procedure typically unfolds in the doctor's office and involves several key steps:
The surgeon chooses between two primary methods: Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
Duration of the Procedure
The duration of the hair transplant procedure varies based on the size of the graft to be transplanted, typically ranging between 4 to 8 hours.
Subsequent procedures might be necessary if ongoing hair loss or a desire for thicker hair arises.
After the surgery, there's a common trajectory for both FUSS and FUE procedures:
Sensitivity: The scalp may be sensitive, and pain medication might be required for a few days.
Bandages: Patients are usually required to wear scalp bandages for at least a day or two.
Medication: Antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications might be prescribed.
Return to Normal Activities: Most individuals can resume work 2-5 days after the surgery.