VASER Liposuction
VASER liposuction delicately removes unwanted fat cells, crafting a symphony of change. Standing for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance,’ VASER employs ultrasound waves to dance with fat cells, turning them into a liquid, effortlessly whisked away through a gentle needle. This delicate procedure minimizes damage to surrounding tissues, a departure from conventional liposuction
Advantages of VASER Liposuction
Minimally Invasive Sonata: Minor incisions, minimal scarring, and stitches left untouched.
Collagen Cadence: The magic of VASER extends beyond mere fat removal. It orchestrates the formation of collagen, resulting in tightened skin, a testament to VASER's finesse.
The procedure, though captivating, takes two hours, a contrast to the three to four-hour traditional lipo operation.
VASER Liposuction is carried out under a local or general anesthesia.
Which Areas are suitable for VASER?
Neck and Chin
Buttocks and Hips
Knee and Ankle